Motivations and Revelations

I can’t believe we’ve already breezed through one-twelfth of 2017, and are well on our way to crushing through an already short February. This year, I’m trying to be more cognizant that this blog exists for the purposes of what I ultimately wanted it to be – something that I could look back on in the future.

Recently, I had a wonderful conversation with someone about dealing with stress and anxiety, which then in turn turned into a bit of a therapy session. I’m not unaware of the fact that I can be high-strung, overly and overtly anxious, paranoid, all with a stress level at a solid 11 (on a scale from 1-10) – my awareness does not make me your traditional psych patient in case you were thinking that. The question was posed, “What do you do when your anxiety is at an all-time high?”

Wow. What a loaded question. What do I do? It took me what felt like years to respond. And all I could respond with was, “I just push through.” Not really that healthy honestly, I know. I feel that my body is constantly in sympathetic nervous system mode that I do sometimes feel like I’m going crazy. But that’s how I am now, how I function, and thus far have been successful with.

I certainly have not always been this way. I was easily discouraged and lacked the motivation. I pushed, but once there was resistance, I gave up – a total lack of drive.

I can see the growth and changes over the last few years, all due to simply life happening. What I swore off for myself years ago has turned into a dream that I never thought I’d have. I realize that what I loved then (and still do now) was part of my journey to my ultimate dream. I am more so now extra driven, highly motivated and determined to make my own dreams come true, not just for myself, but for my family and ultimately others.

Last little nugget – when you can’t find that little oomph anymore to make things happen, let it go and let God handle it. Things will work out.

Late night ramblings are always fun.

Good night and good luck world.




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